Statutes of the Association of Conservator-restorers in Bulgaria Translated from Bulgarian /Adopted at the constituent assembly on 21.11.2003 and amended on 11.12.2004, on 20.01.2007, on 13.12.2008 and on 16.12.2012/
I. General provisions Art. 1. The society shall be a non-profitable juridical person within the meaning of the Law on Non-profitable Juridical Persons and shall implement its activities by the name "Association of conservator-restorers in Bulgaria".
Art. 7. In order to achieve its objectives, the Association of conservator-restorers in Bulgaria shall: Implement activities, which would bring to funding on behalf of the public, government, foundations and institutions for practical, scientific, educational and other activities, corresponding to the objectives of the organization;
Subject of activities:
Membership: Art. 9. (1) Membership in ACB is voluntary and individual. Membership right: (2) A member shall be:
(2-а). /adopted at the general assembly of ACB on 10.12.2004./ The membership in the ACB can either be a full one or associated.
Acquisition of membership: (3) The candidate shall apply in written to the Managing Board, declaring that he/she is familiar and adopts the regulations of the Statute and will carry out his/her obligations in the way these are regulated in the Statute and the adopted Code of Ethics. (4) The membership shall be acquired following a decision of the Managing Board, taken by simple majority from all members. (5) In case of rejection, the rejected candidate may refer the issue to the General Assembly of ACB, which shall definitely settle the issue. Rights and obligations of the members: (6) /amended at the general assembly of ACB on 10.12.2004./
(7) /amended at the General Assembly of ACB on 16.12.2012/ Every member shall be obliged to pay an affiliation fee and a membership subscription, at amount, set by the General Assembly, for each calendar year, payable until 31 of March of the year to the cashier of ACB. (8) Every member shall be obliged to refrain from actions, which could cause harm to the reputation of the Association, contradict to the objectives and discredit the organization. (9) The member shall not be personally accountable for the obligations of the society. (10) The member's rights and obligations shall be nontransferable and shall not go over any other persons in case of decease, or terminating respectively. Terminating the membership:
(2) By proposal of the Managing Board, the General Assembly shall take a decision for exclusion in case of behavior, contradictory to the Statute, the objectives or the Code of Ethics of ACB. (3) Dropping out due to non-payment of membership subscription and consistent non-participation in the activities shall be ascertained by documents, as the Managing Board shall be competent in taking resolution for terminating the membership of the corresponding member of ACB. (4) The affiliation fees shall not be reimbursed to a person with a terminated membership. Property Art. 11. (1) The property of ACB shall be constituted by:
(2) The affiliation fees shall be paid within 3 days after the admittance of new members. (3) The membership subscription shall be paid until 31 December of the current year (at the General Assembly). (4) The property shall be spent for carrying out activities, aimed to achievement of the objectives, laid down by the Statute. (5) The Managing Board shall Supervisory the property in compliance with this Statute, the resolutions of the General Assembly, adhering to the legislation in force. Governing bodies and powers: Art. 12. (1) Supreme body of the society shall be the General Assembly (GA). (2) The management body of the society shall be the Managing Board (MB). Rights of GA: Art. 13. (1) The General Assembly shall:
(2) The rights referred to in para.1, subpara. 1,3,5,7,9,11 and 12 cannot be entrusted to other bodies of ACB. (3) The decisions of GA shall be binding for the other bodies of ACB. (4) The decisions of GA shall be a subject of judicial Supervisory regarding conformity with the law and the Statute thereof. (5) Decisions of bodies of ACB, taken contrary to the law, Statute or a preceding decision, can be disputed at GA upon request of interested members of ACB or any of the bodies thereof, addressed within one month since these decisions have been found out, but not later than one year from the date of taking the decision. Convention of GA Art. 14. (1) GA shall be convened by the MB by its own initiative or by request of 1/3 of the members of ACB. If in the latter case, the MB shall fail to extend an invitation for convention of GA within one month, the GA shall be convened by Court upon written request of the interested members or person, authorized by them. (2) The invitation shall contain the agenda, the date, hour and venue of holding the GM and whose the initiative for convening has been. (3) /amended at the general assembly on 20.01.2007./ The invitation has to be put on the announcement board in the building, where the headquarters of ACB is situated, at least a month prior to the fixed date. (4) The GA shall be convened at regular sessions at least once a year. Quorum Art. 15. (1) The GA shall be considered legitimate in case more than half of all members are present. If there is no quorum, the sitting shall be adjourned for one hour, at the same venue and the same agenda, after which it shall be considered legitimate irrespective of the number of the present members. (2) All members present at the session, shall sign in an intentional list. Voting Art. 16. (1) Every member shall have one vote. (2) A member of the GA shall have no voting right at setting the issues, related to:
(3) One person may represent not more than three members of the GA based on a written authorization, unless any other form of representation or a meeting of the representatives have been provided for in the Statute. Double authorization shall not be allowed. Taking of decisions Art. 17. (1) The decisions of GA shall be taken by majority from the members present. (2) Decisions referred to in Art. 13, para.1, subpara. 1 and 5, shall be taken by majority of 2/3 from the members present. (3) Decisions shall not be taken on issues, not included in the agenda, announced in the invitation. Art. 18. (1) The sessions of the GA shall be chaired by the Chairman of the MB or a person, elected by the MB. In the cases, where the GA has been convened extraordinarily, it shall be chaired by a person, indicated by the members, convened the extraordinary GA. (2) Minutes shall be kept at the sessions of GA. The minutes shall be signed by the person, chairing the session and by the record keeper, as both shall be responsible for correctness of the content thereof. (3) The minutes, together with the attached list of the members present, and the written materials on the convention and holding the GA, shall be bound into book of records. (4) Every member, attended the GA, shall be entitled to keep up with the correct coverage of the decisions taken. Managing Board Art. 19. (1) The current management of ACB shall be carried into effect by a Managing Board. (2) /amended at the general assembly on 20.01.2007/ The Managing Board shall consist of 5 persons - members of the society. The members of the MB and the Chairman shall be elected for a period of 3 years and for not more than two consecutive mandates. (3) The MB shall approve rules, regulating its current activity. Powers of the MB Art. 20. The Managing Board shall:
Sessions of the MB Art. 21. (1) The sessions of the MB shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman. The chairman shall be obliged to convene a session of the MB upon written request of 1/3 of the members thereof. In case the Chairman shall not convene a session within one week, the sessions may be convened by any of the interested members of the MB. In case of non-attendance of the Chairman, the session shall be chaired by a MB member, appointed by the MB. (2) The MB shall be entitled to take decision provided more than a half of the MB members are present at the session. (3) As present may be considered also a person with a two-way telephone or other type of communication, which guarantee identifying his/her personality and allow his/her participation in the discussions and taking the decisions. The voting of this member shall be certified in the minutes by the person chairing the session. (4) Decisions shall be taken by majority from the present, and the decisions for managing the property and liquidation - by majority of all members. (5) The MB may take a decision without holding a session, if the minutes for the decision taken will be signed without any remarks and objections by all MB members. (6) For coverage of the MB sessions, a book of records shall be kept. The minutes of each session shall be signed by the person chairing the session and by the record keeper, as both shall be responsible for correctness of the content thereof. (7) The MB members shall bear responsibility for the actions, which might damage the property and harm the interests of the society. Supervisory over decisions Art. 22. (1) Any decision of the MB, accepted in infringement of the law, this Statute, as well as breaching a decision of the MB, may be disputed by any of the members interested. (2) The demand for repealing must be made within one month period since it has been found out, but not later than one year from the date of adopting by the MB. Representation Art. 23. (1) The Association shall be represented to third parties by the Chairman of the MB. (2) The Chairman shall be elected for a period of three years and for not more than two consecutive mandates. (3) The Chairman may authorize also third persons with a explicit authorization for specified activities. Supervisory Committee Art. 24. (1) The Supervisory Committee (SC) shall be elected by the GA and shall consist of three members. (2) For its first session the SC shall elect its Chairman, who will manage the activities thereof. (3) The SC members shall not take a position in the MB. (4) The MB shall adopt rules for work of the Committee. Powers Art. 25. The Supervisory Committee shall:
Termination and Liquidation Art. 26. (1) The activities of ACB shall be terminated:
(2) In case if termination of ACB as a juridical person, a liquidation shall be carried out. (3) The liquidation shall be carried out by the MB or a person, appointed by it. (4) The liquidator shall be obliged if possible, to compensate all the creditors of the society by the available funds, and in case it is not possible - by cashing a movable and immovable property. Property after liquidation Art. 27. Distribution of the property, remained after compensation to the creditors, shall be distributed by a decision of the GA. In case the decision has not been taken before the termination, then it will be taken by the liquidator. Transitional and Final Provisions (1) The present Statutes has been adopted in the Constituent Assembly of the ACB, held in Sofia on 21 November 2003. It has been amended at the GA of ACB on 10 December 2004 and the GA on 20 January 2007. (2) The Statute contains 7 pages and is signed by the Chairman of the constituent assembly and the record keeper. (3) For all unforeseen and unsettled matters by the present Statute, as well as for interpreting and applying of the regulations thereof, the provisions of the Law on Non-profitable Juridical Persons shall be applied. In case the regulations of this Statute contradict the law, these shall be substituted by rights by the imperative regulations thereof. The translation from Bulgarian into English language is performed by Mariana Stoyanova Peneva. |